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Environmental diseases



Question bank

Please review the questions given during class test,midterm,class time f or the exam. Please wait for the remaining questions. Define (include what was given before) 1.       Natural resources 2.       Renewable resources 3.       Non-renewable resources 4.       Producers 5.       Consumers 6.       Biodiversity 7.       Deforestation 8.       Soil erosion Pollution Questions( include what was given before) 1.                   What are the different components of environment? 2.                   What are the different scopes of environmental studies? 3.   ...

Assignment 4:

Environmental Diseases Assignment 4:  Explain any five Environmental Diseases. Use the Comment Section - Write your name and Id Number. Environmental diseases are illnesses and conditions that result from manmade environmental problems. Read more: In epidemiology,  environmental diseases  are diseases  that can be directly attributed to environmental  factors (as distinct from genetic factors or infection). ...  Disease  caused by physical factors in the  environment , such as skin cancer caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. Environmental diseases are those diseases caused due to the environmental factors and are not transmitted through genes or by any other infection (Donald, 1991). Exposure to harmful chemicals, pesticides, radiation, air pollution and water pollution exposure to toxins, pathogens, radiation,...

Enviromental Awareness - How?????

How Environmental Awareness can be Achieved Article shared by   Public awareness about environment is meant to help social groups and individuals to acquire a basic understanding of environment and its associated problems. Educationists and environmental specialists have repeatedly pointed out that any solution to the environmental crisis will require environmental awareness and understanding to be deeply rooted in the education system at all levels. (a) Environmental awareness at primary school level to impart elementary knowledge about environmental issues and problems. (b) Relevance of real-life situations of environment at secondary school level for understanding of environmental problems. (c) Management of natural resources at senior secondary school level to develop skills to tackle the management problems of natural resources. (d) Environmental issues and sustainable development at college and university levels for experimentation and solution to environmenta...

Ecosystem (Assignment 3)

Assignment Find  a diagram for the following ecosystems       * Forest ecosystem    o     Grassland ecosystem o     Desert ecosystem o     Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries) Send it to

General Knowledge

Assignment 2

Write a short note on Swachh Bharat(Clean India).

Current Environmental Issues

Click the Link Below


Please give your topic and your team members here, followed by the summary of your presentation. (A paragraph)

Assignment 1

Discuss the current environmental issues briefly. Note: Leave your answers in the comments section Due date: 14th July 2017


ENVA 351: ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Course Description: This course provides and emphasizes students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Course Objectives: The aim of the course is to: 1.       Understand current concern about our impact on the environment. 2.        Recognize  the things and processes that affect the environment. 3.       Promote green practices at home and at work. 4.       Identify pollutants in plant environments and identify actions that minimize pollution. 5.       Describe what is being done and what we all ca...