Question bank

Please review the questions given during class test,midterm,class time for the exam. Please wait for the remaining questions.

Define (include what was given before)

1.      Natural resources
2.      Renewable resources
3.      Non-renewable resources
4.      Producers
5.      Consumers
6.      Biodiversity
7.      Deforestation
8.      Soil erosion

Questions(include what was given before)

1.                  What are the different components of environment?
2.                  What are the different scopes of environmental studies?
3.                    List the different modes of deforestation.
6.                  What are artificial ecosystems?
7.                  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of dams.
8.                  Give any two causes for excessive vehicular pollution.
9.                  What are the causes of deforestation?
10.            What are the causes of soil pollution?
11.              What is ecosystem? Give its components.
12.              What is the role of consumers in the food chain?
13.              Name two decomposers and two producers.
14.              List down the eco-social and environmental impacts of deforestation.
15.              What are the different sources of water?
16.              List down the major pollutants of water.
17.            Discuss in brief the greenhouse effect.
18.              What are the causes and effects of floods?
19.              Differentiate between natural and artificial ecosystem.
20.              What are the effects of agricultural practices on farm?
21.              List the different types of eco-friendly farming.
22.              How are human activities affecting Global Warming?
23.              What are the different types of energy resources?
24.              Write down the factors affecting soil erosion.
25.              What are the effects of soil erosion?
26.              List the different types of ecosystem?
27.              Explain the characteristics of an ecosystem.
28.              List down some of the endangered animal species of India.
29.              List down the different strategies for conservation of biodiversity.
30.              Write down the role of an individual in conserving energy resources.
31.              What are the different types of solid waste management?
32.              What are the signs of polluted water?
33.                Describe Carbon cycle.             
36.              Name the major pollutants of water.
37.              List the different ways of controlling water pollution.
38.              Name the organisms used for cleaning oil spills in oceans and seas.
39.              What are the different causes of marine pollution?
40.              What are the effects of marine pollution?
41.              What are the causes and effect of noise pollution?
42.              Name any four vector borne diseases.
43.              Explain solid waste management.


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