When pollutants are discharged directly or sometimes indirectly into bodies of water, with out the right treatment to take out harmful compounds, water pollution occurs.
Water pollution can have major affects on plants and organisms living in the contaminated water. The harmful damage is not only to specific species and certain populations, but to entire food webs both in and out of water. Water becomes polluted from many different sources. Water pollution drastically changes the environment in which it contaminates. Water becomes polluted from runoff, debris, chemicals, and organic waste which is all directly from humans. Water pollution effects the temperature, the growth of the microorganisms and the chemical composition of the water, along with ruining one of our natural resources. To stop water pollution humans must take an active role in trying to reverse it.
We must cut back and be way more mindful of where all of our garbage ends up.
Ozone layer Presented by Narmishael and Lenita 15321049and 15321026
The ozone layer is a layer of ozone high up in the Earth's atmosphere stratosphere. In the region between about 10 kilometres and about 50 kilometres above ground, the atmosphere contains more ozone (O3). The exact amount of ozone that can be found varies, the seasons influence it; it is also different in different places on the Earth. [1] This layer can absorb between 93 and 99 per cent of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.[2] This radiation is dangerous to many living organisms on Earth. Over the last hundred years the ozone layer has been damaged by man-made chemicals, especially ones called CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs were used for various purposes. They have been replaced by other substances for most applications. These CFCs are broken down in the upper atmosphere where they react with the ozone. This causes ozone depletion.
Human activity is leading to the extinction of species and habitats and loss of biodiversity. Eco systems are in danger when any species population is decimating. The balance of natural processes like pollination is crucial to the survival of the Eco system and human activity threatens the same. Another example is the destruction of coral reefs in the various oceans, which support the rich marine life . So , it's our duty to protect this God gifted nature for the generation to come .. Go green and save our planet !!
Presentation by ; Sudheesh A S :15325008 Jinita jayaraj :15332010
Global warming starts with the greenhouse effect, which is created by the relationship between the radiation from the sun and the Earth's atmosphere. Human activity also introduces specific types of gases into the Earth's atmosphere. As of 2005, as a result of these circumstances, over the last 50 years, the average global temperature of the Earth has experienced the fastest growth rate in history. As of 2005, coal-burning power plants create the largest source of CO2 pollution in the United States, producing more than 2 billion tons of pollution annually. As of 2005, automobiles create the second largest source, which produces about 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide pollution annually. Global warming is a multi-faceted phenomenon that will have severe consequences if current trends continue. Melting glaciers, rising sea levels, warmer sea surface temperatures and habitat disruption are all consequences associated with global warming. Modern technologies has begun to curb the effects of global warming. Technological advances allow vehicles to run cleaner while burning less gas. Power plants have also begun to generate electricity using non-polluting sources.
Presentation on GLOBAL WARMING Presentation done by Jessie V Jebaraj 15312008 Raya Moye
Summary Global warming is a major atmospheric issue all over the world. Our earth’s surface becoming hot day by day by trapping the sun’s heat and rise in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The bad effects of it increasing day by day and causing major problems to the living of human being. It has become one of the subjects of big social issues which need social awareness to a great level. People should know its meaning, causes, effects and solutions to solve it immediately. People should come forth together and try to solve it in order to save life on the earth.heric temperature of earth causing negative climatic changes. Rise in temperature is caused by the fossil fuels, industries, agricultural processes, increasing emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc) because of the burning of wood, solid waste, fossil fuels, etc. In order to reduce the effect of global warming we should limit our need of agriculture, deforestation, mining, industrial production, etc. we should do re-plantation of the plants to a great level to reduce the side effects of deforestation. We should replant the genetically engineered plants and replenishment of oceans with algae which are efficient to recycle the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Sites help received from www.indiacelebrating.com www.globalstewards.org
Presentation by Len s george-15325013 Benjamin shinde-15325014
Overpopulation Summary Human population began to spike during and since the Industrial Revolution which was when oil became “unlimited”. Right before this massive spike there was a minor deviation which was during the black plague. Once humans recovered from the black plague the population went from just under one billion around 1800 to almost seven billion to date. As Michael Ruppert said in Collapse “All of these people exist on this planet only because of oil, that’s it, so it’s axiomatic that if you take the oil away the human population must go away also”. Evolution has always followed a bell curve which is when a species accelerates to a certain point, called the tipping point and then tips and starts to descend. This is covered by one of the many laws of physics in which our planet is governed. Oil is used for everyday objects such as all plastics, toothpaste, tires, and most commonly known for fuel to run machines. According to the International Energy Agency in 2008 the world uses eighty-five million barrels of oil per day which is putting oil on a nine percent decline from the top of the bell curve. The top of the bell curve of oil also known as the peak was announced in 1970. Iraq has about ninety billion barrels left in its reserve which seems like a lot, but only one billion barrels will last for about eleven days and oil cannot be replaced.
TOPIC-VIOLENCE Presentation members-Doman(15321034),babu(15321018),asish (15321006) Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation", although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of "the use of power" in its definition expands on the conventional understanding of the word.[2] This definition involves intentionality with the committing of the act itself, irrespective of the outcome it produces. However, generally, anything that is excited in an injurious or damaging way may be described as violent even if not meant to be violence (by a person and against a person).
Globally, violence resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1.28 million people in 2013 up from 1.13 million in 1990.[3] Of the deaths in 2013, roughly 842,000 were attributed to self-harm (suicide), 405,000 to interpersonal violence, and 31,000 to collective violence (war) and legal intervention.[3] In Africa, out of every 100,000 people, each year an estimated 60.9 die a violent death.[4] Corlin, past president of the American Medical Association said: "The United States leads the world—in the rate at which its children die from firearms." He concluded: "Gun violence is a threat to the public health of our country."[5] For each single death due to violence, there are dozens of hospitalizations, hundreds of emergency department visits, and thousands of doctors' appointments.[6] Furthermore, violence often has lifelong consequences for physical and mental health and social functioning and can slow economic and social development.
In 2013, assault by firearm was the leading cause of death due to interpersonal violence, with 180,000 such deaths estimated to have occurred. The same year, assault by sharp object resulted in roughly 114,000 deaths, with a remaining 110,000 deaths from personal violence being attributed to other causes.[3]
Violence in many forms is preventable. There is a strong relationship between levels of violence and modifiable factors such as concentrated poverty, income and gender inequality, the harmful use of alcohol, and
Global Warming: Global warming is another environmental issue which is increase in earth’s temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases called carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor and other gases. These gases possess heat trapping capacity that are needed to create greenhouse effect so that this planet remains warm for people to survive. Without these gases, this planet would turn be cold for life to exist.
During past several decades, the accumulation of greenhouse gases have grown rapidly, which means more heat gets trapped in the atmosphere and few of these gases escapes back into the space. These gases heat up the earth’s surface and this results in global warming. According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports, the earth’s temperature has increased by 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century. Global warming is a serious public health and environmental concern. Global warming can have long lasting effects which can result in melting of glaciers, climate change, droughts, diseases and increase in hurricanes frequency.
Summary on the Causes and the Effects of Air Pollution Air pollution is a serious environmental problem which destroys the environment, humanhealth, and quality of life. Air pollution is caused by human activities which are burningof fossil fuels and motor vehicle. Decomposing garbage in landfills and solid wastedisposal sites emit methane gas and household products release VOCs. Moreover,these pollutants also come from natural sources. The repercussions of air pollution areit makes people ill and harms plants, animals, and the ecosystems. Some of the air pollutants return to the Earth in the form of acid rain and snow. Pollution lets indangerous radiation from the Sun. Besides that, pollutants go through chemicalreactions that produce additional dangerous compounds and it is a subject weather patterns that can trap it in valleys or blow it across the globe to damage pristineenvironments far from the original sources
Topic: Effect of War on the Environment Members: Priscilla M. Minz 15316002 Mary Haokip 15313004 Zeba Kazi 15313001 Florentina Haokip 15313010
Effects Of War: i) Habitat Destruction: Perhaps the most famous example of habitat devastation occurred during the Vietnam War when U.S. forces sprayed herbicides like Agent Orange on the forests and mangrove swamps that provided cover to guerrilla soldiers ii) Refugees: Widespread deforestation, unchecked hunting, soil erosion and contamination of land and water by human waste occur when thousands of humans are forced to settle in a new area. iii) Invasive Species: Military ships, cargo airplanes, and trucks often carry more than soldiers and munitions; non-native plants and animals can also ride along, invading new areas and wiping out native species in the process. iv) Infrastructure Collapse: Among the first and most vulnerable targets of attack in a military campaign are the enemy's roads, bridges, utilities and other infrastructure. v) Increased Production: Increased production in manufacturing, agriculture and other industries that support a war effort can wreak havoc on the natural environment vi) Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear Weapons: The production, testing, transport and use of these advanced weapons are perhaps the single most destructive effects of war on the environment vii) Land Mines: War may end but what remains are land mines. the land mines cause several serious life threatening casualties in humans as well as animals. viii) Declining Economy: War leads to higher government spending and invariably leads a legacy of debt and an army of demobilized soldiers.
Name:Pooja.P Id:15323011 Pollution: the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects. Air Pollution: Air pollution is defined as any contamination of the atmosphere that disturbs the natural composition and chemistry of the air. This can be in the form of particulate matter such as dust or excessive gases like carbon dioxide or other vapors that cannot be effectively removed through natural cycles, such as the carbon cycle or the nitrogen cycle Soil Pollution: Soil, or land pollution, is contamination of the soil that prevents natural growth and balance in the land whether it is used for cultivation, habitation, or a wildlife preserve. Some soil pollution, such as the creation of landfills, is deliberate, while much more is accidental and can have widespread effects. Noise Pollution: Noise pollution refers to undesirable levels of noises caused by human activity that disrupt the standard of living in the affected area. Radioactive Pollution: Radioactive pollution is rare but extremely detrimental, and even deadly, when it occurs. Because of its intensity and the difficulty of reversing damage, there are strict government regulations to control radioactive pollution. Thermal Pollution:Thermal pollution is excess heat that creates undesirable effects over long periods of time. The earth has a natural thermal cycle, but excessive temperature increases can be considered a rare type of pollution Light Pollution: Light pollution is the over illumination of an area that is considered obtrusive.
Changu Swapya (Tinta) 15321003 Richard S Mitra 15321001
Topic: Biodiversity and Loss of Biodiversity
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life that is around us. All life is dependent on each other. This makes up the food chain. When a link in this chain is broken that refers to loss of Biodiversity.
Human activities like industrial pollution and invasion of natural habitat of organisms are major reasons for loss of Biodiversity. We must stop this and let all species live and save them from going extinct.
Waste management is the precise name for the collection, transportation, disposal or recycling and monitoring of waste. This term is assigned to the material, waste material that is produced through human being activity. This material is managed to avoid its adverse effect over human health and environment. Today every government tries by all means to make sure the environment is clean. we need to have a clean and safe environment for a good health. we can make a difference if we start within our selves... make the nation a clean world today.... thank you
Topic-acid rain Acid rain definition: rainfall made so acidic by atmospheric pollution that it causes environmental harm, chiefly to forests and lakes. Main cause of acid rain: The main cause is the industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, the waste gases from which contain sulphur and nitrogen oxides which combine with atmospheric water to form acids. Effects: Acid rain has many ecological effects, but none is greater than its impact on lakes, streams, wetlands, and other aquatic environments. Acid rain makes waters acidic, and causes them to absorb the aluminum that makes its way from soil into lakes and streams. This combination makes waters toxic to crayfish, clams, fish, and other aquatic animals. Prevention: burning fewer fossil fuels. Many governments have tried to curb emissions by cleaning up industry smokestacks and promoting alternative fuel sources. These efforts have met with mixed results. Individuals can also help prevent acid rain by conserving energy. The less electricity people use in their homes, the fewer chemicals power plants will emit. Vehicles are also major fossil fuel users, so drivers can reduce emissions by using public transportation, carpooling, biking, or simply walking wherever possible.
Summary of presentation. ="Disaster Management can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters."
DO'S AND DON'T 1) Listen to weather forecast at All India Radio, from time to time and act accordingly. 2) Switch of electrical supply and don’t touch open wires. 3) Don’t get carried away by rumors and do not spread rumors. 4) Switch off electrical and gas appliances, and turn off services off at the mains. 5) Carry your emergency kit and let your friends and family know where you are going. 6) Avoid contact with flood water it may be contaminated with sewage,oil,chemicals or other substances. 7) Don't walk through flowing water - currents can be deceptive, and shallow, fast moving water can knock you off your feet. 8) Don't swim through fast flowing water - you may get swept away or struck by an object in the water. 9) Be alert for gas leaks - do not smoke or use candle. 10) Don't use elevator during earthquake.
Ibandalin L Nonglait.. 15312004 Khashing T. 15312010. DEFORESTATION.. Deforestation is the permanent devastation of native forests and woods. Deforestation happens in many ways: when trees are cut down to grow crops, for livestock, logging so wood can be used for building things like houses and furniture, for roads and neighborhoods, for firewood, and forest fires.
Deforestation is affecting our environment and the way our earth appears. At least eighty percent of our forests have been destroyed. Our rain forests are disappearing. It has been estimated that in the last two years around 728 km of forest – roughly half the size of Delhi- have been wiped out clear.
Although there may be a need to cut down trees to some extent, humans and other species need to protect the forests and woodlands. Trees are not just beautiful; they also house many different kinds of plants and animals that could become extinct with deforestation. They also provide good things for humans and for the environment.
Topic:- Climatic Change Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years). Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have been identified as primary causes of ongoing climate change, often referred to as global warming.[1]
Scientists actively work to understand past and future climate by using observations and theoretical models. A climate record—extending deep into the Earth's past—has been assembled, and continues to be built up, based on geological evidence from borehole temperature profiles, cores removed from deep accumulations of ice, floral and faunal records, glacial and periglacial processes, stable-isotope and other analyses of sediment layers, and records of past sea levels. More recent data are provided by the instrumental record. General circulation models, based on the physical sciences, are often used in theoretical approaches to match past climate data, make future projections, and link causes and effects in climate change.
The noise pollution is defined as the unwanted sound which is released into the environment. It disturbs the human being and cause an adverse effect on the mental and psychological well being. Causes: Industrialization, Poor Urban Planning, Social Events, Transportation, Construction activities, Household Chores.
Sound-proof your space, Keep noisy machines away from your bedroom and living areas, Spend time away from noise, Learn to meditate, Use earplugs and noise-canceling headphones, Install noise-reducing insulation and glass.
Forests provide clean water and air, timber for wood products, wildlife habitats, stable soil, and recreational opportunities, and they beautify the environment. Furthermore, they are also an important economic resource producing marketable timber.
Forests are one of the most important natural resources on this earth. Covering the earth like a green blanket these forests not only produce innumerable material goods, but also provide several environmental services which are essential for life.
Uses of Forests : Commercial uses:
Forests provide us a large number of commercial goods which include timber, firewood, pulpwood, food items, gum, resins, non-edible oils, rubber, fibers, lac, bamboo canes, fodder, medicine, drugs and many more items, the total worth of which is estimated to be more than $ 300 billion per year.
Many forest lands are used for mining, agriculture, grazing, and recreation and for development of dams.
Ecological uses :
Production of oxygen: The trees produce oxygen by photosynthesis which is vital for life on this earth. Reducing global warming: The main greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is absorbed by the forests as a raw material for photosynthesis. Thus forest canopy acts as a sink for CO2 thereby reducing the problem of global warming caused by greenhouse gas CO2. Wild life habitat: Forests are the homes of millions of wild animals and plants. About 7 million species are found in the tropical forests alone. Regulation of hydrological cycle: Forested watersheds act like giant sponges, absorbing the rainfall, slowing down the runoff and slowly releasing the water for recharge of springs. About 50-80 %of the moisture in the air above tropical forests comes from their transpiration which helps in bringing rains. Soil Conservation: Forests bind the soil particles tightly in their roots and prevent soil erosion. They also act as windbreaks. Pollution moderators: Forests can absorb many toxic gases and can help in keeping the air pure. They have also been reported to absorb noise and thus help in preventing air and noise pollution.
How Environmental Awareness can be Achieved Article shared by Public awareness about environment is meant to help social groups and individuals to acquire a basic understanding of environment and its associated problems. Educationists and environmental specialists have repeatedly pointed out that any solution to the environmental crisis will require environmental awareness and understanding to be deeply rooted in the education system at all levels. (a) Environmental awareness at primary school level to impart elementary knowledge about environmental issues and problems. (b) Relevance of real-life situations of environment at secondary school level for understanding of environmental problems. (c) Management of natural resources at senior secondary school level to develop skills to tackle the management problems of natural resources. (d) Environmental issues and sustainable development at college and university levels for experimentation and solution to environmenta...
ENVA 351: ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS Course Description: This course provides and emphasizes students with the scientific principles, concepts, and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Course Objectives: The aim of the course is to: 1. Understand current concern about our impact on the environment. 2. Recognize the things and processes that affect the environment. 3. Promote green practices at home and at work. 4. Identify pollutants in plant environments and identify actions that minimize pollution. 5. Describe what is being done and what we all ca...
Presentation by ÷
ReplyDelete1.Balsama D marak 15321036
2.premi murmu 15321009
3.prerna Das 15321032
BBA 3rd year
Topic÷ Water pollution
Summary of water pollution
When pollutants are discharged directly or sometimes indirectly into bodies of water, with out the right treatment to take out harmful compounds, water pollution occurs.
Water pollution can have major affects on plants and organisms living in the contaminated water. The harmful damage is not only to specific species and certain populations, but to entire food webs both in and out of water. Water becomes polluted from many different sources. Water pollution drastically changes the environment in which it contaminates. Water becomes polluted from runoff, debris, chemicals, and organic waste which is all directly from humans. Water pollution effects the temperature, the growth of the microorganisms and the chemical composition of the water, along with ruining one of our natural resources. To stop water pollution humans must take an active role in trying to reverse it.
We must cut back and be way more mindful of where all of our garbage ends up.
Ozone layer
ReplyDeletePresented by Narmishael and Lenita
15321049and 15321026
The ozone layer is a layer of ozone high up in the Earth's atmosphere stratosphere. In the region between about 10 kilometres and about 50 kilometres above ground, the atmosphere contains more ozone (O3). The exact amount of ozone that can be found varies, the seasons influence it; it is also different in different places on the Earth. [1] This layer can absorb between 93 and 99 per cent of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.[2] This radiation is dangerous to many living organisms on Earth.
Over the last hundred years the ozone layer has been damaged by man-made chemicals, especially ones called CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs were used for various purposes. They have been replaced by other substances for most applications. These CFCs are broken down in the upper atmosphere where they react with the ozone. This causes ozone depletion.
Loss of Biodiversity....
ReplyDeleteHuman activity is leading to the extinction of species and habitats and loss of biodiversity. Eco systems are in danger when any species population is decimating. The balance of natural processes like pollination is crucial to the survival of the Eco system and human activity threatens the same. Another example is the destruction of coral reefs in the various oceans, which support the rich marine life .
So , it's our duty to protect this God gifted nature for the generation to come .. Go green and save our planet !!
Karuna & Prashanthi
( 15313007)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePresentation by ;
ReplyDeleteSudheesh A S :15325008
Jinita jayaraj :15332010
Global warming starts with the greenhouse effect, which is created by the relationship between the radiation from the sun and the Earth's atmosphere. Human activity also introduces specific types of gases into the Earth's atmosphere. As of 2005, as a result of these circumstances, over the last 50 years, the average global temperature of the Earth has experienced the fastest growth rate in history.
As of 2005, coal-burning power plants create the largest source of CO2 pollution in the United States, producing more than 2 billion tons of pollution annually. As of 2005, automobiles create the second largest source, which produces about 1.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide pollution annually. Global warming is a multi-faceted phenomenon that will have severe consequences if current trends continue. Melting glaciers, rising sea levels, warmer sea surface temperatures and habitat disruption are all consequences associated with global warming.
Modern technologies has begun to curb the effects of global warming. Technological advances allow vehicles to run cleaner while burning less gas. Power plants have also begun to generate electricity using non-polluting sources.
Presentation on GLOBAL WARMING
ReplyDeletePresentation done by
Jessie V Jebaraj
Raya Moye
Global warming is a major atmospheric issue all over the world. Our earth’s surface becoming hot day by day by trapping the sun’s heat and rise in the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide. The bad effects of it increasing day by day and causing major problems to the living of human being. It has become one of the subjects of big social issues which need social awareness to a great level. People should know its meaning, causes, effects and solutions to solve it immediately. People should come forth together and try to solve it in order to save life on the earth.heric temperature of earth causing negative climatic changes. Rise in temperature is caused by the fossil fuels, industries, agricultural processes, increasing emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, etc) because of the burning of wood, solid waste, fossil fuels, etc. In order to reduce the effect of global warming we should limit our need of agriculture, deforestation, mining, industrial production, etc. we should do re-plantation of the plants to a great level to reduce the side effects of deforestation. We should replant the genetically engineered plants and replenishment of oceans with algae which are efficient to recycle the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Sites help received from
Presentation by
ReplyDeleteLen s george-15325013
Benjamin shinde-15325014
Overpopulation Summary
Human population began to spike during and since the Industrial Revolution which was when oil became “unlimited”. Right before this massive spike there was a minor deviation which was during the black plague. Once humans recovered from the black plague the population went from just under one billion around 1800 to almost seven billion to date. As Michael Ruppert said in Collapse “All of these people exist on this planet only because of oil, that’s it, so it’s axiomatic that if you take the oil away the human population must go away also”. Evolution has always followed a bell curve which is when a species accelerates to a certain point, called the tipping point and then tips and starts to descend. This is covered by one of the many laws of physics in which our planet is governed. Oil is used for everyday objects such as all plastics, toothpaste, tires, and most commonly known for fuel to run machines. According to the International Energy Agency in 2008 the world uses eighty-five million barrels of oil per day which is putting oil on a nine percent decline from the top of the bell curve. The top of the bell curve of oil also known as the peak was announced in 1970. Iraq has about ninety billion barrels left in its reserve which seems like a lot, but only one billion barrels will last for about eleven days and oil cannot be replaced.
TOPIC-VIOLENCE Presentation members-Doman(15321034),babu(15321018),asish (15321006)
ReplyDeleteViolence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation", although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of "the use of power" in its definition expands on the conventional understanding of the word.[2] This definition involves intentionality with the committing of the act itself, irrespective of the outcome it produces. However, generally, anything that is excited in an injurious or damaging way may be described as violent even if not meant to be violence (by a person and against a person).
Globally, violence resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1.28 million people in 2013 up from 1.13 million in 1990.[3] Of the deaths in 2013, roughly 842,000 were attributed to self-harm (suicide), 405,000 to interpersonal violence, and 31,000 to collective violence (war) and legal intervention.[3] In Africa, out of every 100,000 people, each year an estimated 60.9 die a violent death.[4] Corlin, past president of the American Medical Association said: "The United States leads the world—in the rate at which its children die from firearms." He concluded: "Gun violence is a threat to the public health of our country."[5] For each single death due to violence, there are dozens of hospitalizations, hundreds of emergency department visits, and thousands of doctors' appointments.[6] Furthermore, violence often has lifelong consequences for physical and mental health and social functioning and can slow economic and social development.
In 2013, assault by firearm was the leading cause of death due to interpersonal violence, with 180,000 such deaths estimated to have occurred. The same year, assault by sharp object resulted in roughly 114,000 deaths, with a remaining 110,000 deaths from personal violence being attributed to other causes.[3]
Violence in many forms is preventable. There is a strong relationship between levels of violence and modifiable factors such as concentrated poverty, income and gender inequality, the harmful use of alcohol, and
Name: Manjunth
ReplyDeleteId. No : 15325001
Global Warming: Global warming is another environmental issue which is increase in earth’s temperature due to effect of greenhouse gases called carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor and other gases. These gases possess heat trapping capacity that are needed to create greenhouse effect so that this planet remains warm for people to survive. Without these gases, this planet would turn be cold for life to exist.
During past several decades, the accumulation of greenhouse gases have grown rapidly, which means more heat gets trapped in the atmosphere and few of these gases escapes back into the space. These gases heat up the earth’s surface and this results in global warming. According to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports, the earth’s temperature has increased by 0.8 degrees Celsius over the past century. Global warming is a serious public health and environmental concern. Global warming can have long lasting effects which can result in melting of glaciers, climate change, droughts, diseases and increase in hurricanes frequency.
ReplyDeleteoverpopulation means an increase of a certain species that causes environmenal deterioration.
It effects the society and development of our nation
Environmental pollution
poor housing facilities
Increase no.of disease
Increased crime rate
Global warming
Unemployment etc
In order to avoid overpopulation ,People must be educated on family planning.
ID. 15328001
Increase in the diseases.
By moses 15332007
Arizgo 15332008
Summary on the Causes and the Effects of Air Pollution Air pollution is a serious environmental problem which destroys the environment, humanhealth, and quality of life. Air pollution is caused by human activities which are burningof fossil fuels and motor vehicle. Decomposing garbage in landfills and solid wastedisposal sites emit methane gas and household products release VOCs. Moreover,these pollutants also come from natural sources. The repercussions of air pollution areit makes people ill and harms plants, animals, and the ecosystems. Some of the air pollutants return to the Earth in the form of acid rain and snow. Pollution lets indangerous radiation from the Sun. Besides that, pollutants go through chemicalreactions that produce additional dangerous compounds and it is a subject weather patterns that can trap it in valleys or blow it across the globe to damage pristineenvironments far from the original sources
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTopic: Effect of War on the Environment
ReplyDeleteMembers: Priscilla M. Minz 15316002
Mary Haokip 15313004
Zeba Kazi 15313001
Florentina Haokip 15313010
Effects Of War:
i) Habitat Destruction: Perhaps the most famous example of habitat devastation occurred during the Vietnam War when U.S. forces sprayed herbicides like Agent Orange on the forests and mangrove swamps that provided cover to guerrilla soldiers
ii) Refugees: Widespread deforestation, unchecked hunting, soil erosion and contamination of land and water by human waste occur when thousands of humans are forced to settle in a new area.
iii) Invasive Species: Military ships, cargo airplanes, and trucks often carry more than soldiers and munitions; non-native plants and animals can also ride along, invading new areas and wiping out native species in the process.
iv) Infrastructure Collapse: Among the first and most vulnerable targets of attack in a military campaign are the enemy's roads, bridges, utilities and other infrastructure.
v) Increased Production: Increased production in manufacturing, agriculture and other industries that support a war effort can wreak havoc on the natural environment
vi) Biological, Chemical, and Nuclear Weapons: The production, testing, transport and use of these advanced weapons are perhaps the single most destructive effects of war on the environment
vii) Land Mines: War may end but what remains are land mines. the land mines cause several serious life threatening casualties in humans as well as animals.
viii) Declining Economy: War leads to higher government spending and invariably leads a legacy of debt and an army of demobilized soldiers.
the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects.
Air Pollution:
Air pollution is defined as any contamination of the atmosphere that disturbs the natural composition and chemistry of the air. This can be in the form of particulate matter such as dust or excessive gases like carbon dioxide or other vapors that cannot be effectively removed through natural cycles, such as the carbon cycle or the nitrogen cycle
Soil Pollution:
Soil, or land pollution, is contamination of the soil that prevents natural growth and balance in the land whether it is used for cultivation, habitation, or a wildlife preserve. Some soil pollution, such as the creation of landfills, is deliberate, while much more is accidental and can have widespread effects.
Noise Pollution:
Noise pollution refers to undesirable levels of noises caused by human activity that disrupt the standard of living in the affected area.
Radioactive Pollution:
Radioactive pollution is rare but extremely detrimental, and even deadly, when it occurs. Because of its intensity and the difficulty of reversing damage, there are strict government regulations to control radioactive pollution.
Thermal Pollution:Thermal pollution is excess heat that creates undesirable effects over long periods of time. The earth has a natural thermal cycle, but excessive temperature increases can be considered a rare type of pollution Light Pollution:
Light pollution is the over illumination of an area that is considered obtrusive.
Changu Swapya (Tinta) 15321003
ReplyDeleteRichard S Mitra 15321001
Topic: Biodiversity and Loss of Biodiversity
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life that is around us. All life is dependent on each other. This makes up the food chain. When a link in this chain is broken that refers to loss of Biodiversity.
Human activities like industrial pollution and invasion of natural habitat of organisms are major reasons for loss of Biodiversity. We must stop this and let all species live and save them from going extinct.
15311001 mwami milimo
ReplyDelete15312002 mista kurbah
topic : waste management
Waste management is the precise name for the collection, transportation, disposal or recycling and monitoring of waste. This term is assigned to the material, waste material that is produced through human being activity. This material is managed to avoid its adverse effect over human health and environment. Today every government tries by all means to make sure the environment is clean. we need to have a clean and safe environment for a good health. we can make a difference if we start within our selves... make the nation a clean world today....
thank you
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ReplyDelete15312001 Rahel Andrews
ReplyDelete15312005 Shobha H
Stella M
Topic-acid rain
Acid rain definition:
rainfall made so acidic by atmospheric pollution that it causes environmental harm, chiefly to forests and lakes.
Main cause of acid rain:
The main cause is the industrial burning of coal and other fossil fuels, the waste gases from which contain sulphur and nitrogen oxides which combine with atmospheric water to form acids.
Acid rain has many ecological effects, but none is greater than its impact on lakes, streams, wetlands, and other aquatic environments. Acid rain makes waters acidic, and causes them to absorb the aluminum that makes its way from soil into lakes and streams. This combination makes waters toxic to crayfish, clams, fish, and other aquatic animals.
burning fewer fossil fuels. Many governments have tried to curb emissions by cleaning up industry smokestacks and promoting alternative fuel sources. These efforts have met with mixed results. Individuals can also help prevent acid rain by conserving energy. The less electricity people use in their homes, the fewer chemicals power plants will emit. Vehicles are also major fossil fuel users, so drivers can reduce emissions by using public transportation, carpooling, biking, or simply walking wherever possible.
ReplyDeletePresented by:
1) Lamtawn -15321050
2) Laldinpuia-15321013
3)Cheniard marak- 15321021
4)Seiminthang haokip- 15321020
Summary of presentation.
="Disaster Management can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters."
1) Listen to weather forecast at All India Radio, from time to time and act accordingly.
2) Switch of electrical supply and don’t touch open wires.
3) Don’t get carried away by rumors and do not spread rumors.
4) Switch off electrical and gas appliances, and turn off services off at the mains.
5) Carry your emergency kit and let your friends and family know where you are going.
6) Avoid contact with flood water it may be contaminated with sewage,oil,chemicals or other substances.
7) Don't walk through flowing water - currents can be deceptive, and shallow, fast moving water can knock you off your feet.
8) Don't swim through fast flowing water - you may get swept away or struck by an object in the water.
9) Be alert for gas leaks - do not smoke or use candle.
10) Don't use elevator during earthquake.
Ibandalin L Nonglait..
Khashing T.
Deforestation is the permanent devastation of native forests and woods. Deforestation happens in many ways: when trees are cut down to grow crops, for livestock, logging so wood can be used for building things like houses and furniture, for roads and neighborhoods, for firewood, and forest fires.
Deforestation is affecting our environment and the way our earth appears. At least eighty percent of our forests have been destroyed. Our rain forests are disappearing. It has been estimated that in the last two years around 728 km of forest – roughly half the size of Delhi- have been wiped out clear.
Although there may be a need to cut down trees to some extent, humans and other species need to protect the forests and woodlands. Trees are not just beautiful; they also house many different kinds of plants and animals that could become extinct with deforestation. They also provide good things for humans and for the environment.
Presentation by
ReplyDeleteVinay Gujar
John Abraham
Topic:- Climatic Change
Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time (i.e., decades to millions of years). Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have been identified as primary causes of ongoing climate change, often referred to as global warming.[1]
Scientists actively work to understand past and future climate by using observations and theoretical models. A climate record—extending deep into the Earth's past—has been assembled, and continues to be built up, based on geological evidence from borehole temperature profiles, cores removed from deep accumulations of ice, floral and faunal records, glacial and periglacial processes, stable-isotope and other analyses of sediment layers, and records of past sea levels. More recent data are provided by the instrumental record. General circulation models, based on the physical sciences, are often used in theoretical approaches to match past climate data, make future projections, and link causes and effects in climate change.
Presented by:
ReplyDeleteManish Shrestha(15334003)
Balak Ram Hansda(15334007)
Noise Pollution Its Causes & Solutions:
The noise pollution is defined as the unwanted sound which is released into the environment. It disturbs the human being and cause an adverse effect on the mental and psychological well being.
Poor Urban Planning,
Social Events,
Construction activities,
Household Chores.
Sound-proof your space,
Keep noisy machines away from your bedroom and living areas,
Spend time away from noise,
Learn to meditate,
Use earplugs and noise-canceling headphones,
Install noise-reducing insulation and glass.
Topic: Forest resources
ReplyDeletePratibha lakra 15321031
Reena murmu 15321008
Vijay 15321033
Vivek ranjan 15321049
Forests provide clean water and air, timber for wood products, wildlife habitats, stable soil, and recreational opportunities, and they beautify the environment. Furthermore, they are also an important economic resource producing marketable timber.
Forests are one of the most important natural resources on this earth. Covering the earth like a green blanket these forests not only produce innumerable material goods, but also provide several environmental services which are essential for life.
Uses of Forests :
Commercial uses:
Forests provide us a large number of commercial goods which include timber, firewood, pulpwood, food items, gum, resins, non-edible oils, rubber, fibers, lac, bamboo canes, fodder, medicine, drugs and many more items, the total worth of which is estimated to be more than $ 300 billion per year.
Many forest lands are used for mining, agriculture, grazing, and recreation and for development of dams.
Ecological uses :
Production of oxygen: The trees produce oxygen by photosynthesis which is vital for life on this earth.
Reducing global warming: The main greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) is absorbed by the forests as a raw material for photosynthesis. Thus forest canopy acts as a sink for CO2 thereby reducing the problem of global warming caused by greenhouse gas CO2.
Wild life habitat: Forests are the homes of millions of wild animals and plants. About 7 million species are found in the tropical forests alone.
Regulation of hydrological cycle: Forested watersheds act like giant sponges, absorbing the rainfall, slowing down the runoff and slowly releasing the water for recharge of springs. About 50-80 %of the moisture in the air above tropical forests comes from their transpiration which helps in bringing rains.
Soil Conservation: Forests bind the soil particles tightly in their roots and prevent soil erosion. They also act as windbreaks.
Pollution moderators: Forests can absorb many toxic gases and can help in keeping the air pure. They have also been reported to absorb noise and thus help in preventing air and noise pollution.